Palestine Envoy to Nigeria decries Killing of 31,272 in Gaza war

The Palestinian Ambassador to Nigeria, Abdullah M. Abu Shawesh, has decried the killing of not less than 31,272 Palestinians  in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian war. 

Shawesh in a press statement in Abuja on Thursday titled: “On the 160 day of the frenzy genocidal war against the Palestinian people,” said 73,024 Palestinians have been injured in the ongoing war, saying that 72% of them are children and women.

The envoy, who lamented that the Israeli Jewish society is degrading to more radicalism and extremism, also said the number of children killed in just over four months in Gaza is higher than the number of children killed in four years of wars around the world.

He said: “It is noteworthy that Israel imprisons any Palestinian simply because they sympathise with the victims of the war on social media under the pretext of incitement. Israeli Jewish society is degrading to more radicalism and extremism, while the entire world stands against the invasion of Rafah 75 per cent of Israeli Jews are supporting this war crime.

“A new poll finds that around three-quarters of Jewish Israelis support an expansion of IDF operations in Gaza’s southern most city of Rafah, where more than half of the Strip’s 2.3 million people are sheltering in the area amid the ongoing war.

“As of today, March 14, there have been 31,272 martyrs and 73,024 injured, with 72 per cent being children and women. More than 8,000 are still missing under the rubble, and in many cases, Israel prevents the rescue teams from reaching them or even evacuating the dead bodies.

“The number of children reported killed in just over four months in Gaza is higher than the number of children killed in 4 years of wars around the world combined. This war is a war on children.’’