Oyo was an accomplished professional – Mark

By Ezrel Tabiowo

President of the Senate, David  Mark, has lamented over the demise of  a forefront  Nigerian journalist and former Managing Director of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Mrs. Remi Oyo.
In a statement issued yesterday in Abuja by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Paul Mumeh, Mark said Remi Oyo distinguished herself as a professional and a successful administrator of very high repute.

Mark said: “As an editor, she was a pathfinder. As the president of the Nigeria Guild of Editors (NGE), she provided exemplary leadership that took the Guild to a higher level.
“She was a great asset to the Nigerian media and a worthy daughter of the nation. We shall miss her robust and intellectual contributions to national development.”

The president of the Senate recalled Remi Oyo’s role as Media Adviser to former President Olusegun Obasanjo during which she “exceedingly deployed her professional competence to the service of her fatherland.”
Mark noted that Remi Oyo would be remembered for her uncommon patriotism, honesty and commitment to nation building.
He, therefore, urged the bereaved family to take solace in the fact that she lived an accomplished life and left her positive foot prints on the sands of time.