Oscar for Pistorius

In the early hours of February 14, famous South Africa blade runner and paralympian, Oscar Pistorius, shot and killed his model girl friend, Reeva Steenkamp, at his Pretoria home in South Africa. Oscar’s trial for the murder of Reeva began on March 3, with Judge Thokozile Masipa presiding.

On September 12, the presiding judge exonerated him of murder but found him guilty of the culpable homicide of Reeva as well as uncontrolled possession of fire arms. On October 21, after nine months of a fierce trial that caught and captivated the attention of the whole world, Judge Thokozile Masipa sentenced Oscar to prison for a maximum of five years for culpable homicide and a concurrent three-year suspended sentence for separate reckless endangerment conviction.

Not quite a few believe that Oscar should have been given a harsher sentence. It is rather ridiculous that the law would deal so mildly with a man who denied an innocent woman opportunity to a bright future ahead of her because of his insecurities. The sentence is a slap on the memory of the dead woman and a pain in the hearts of her parents and other family members. It becomes more painful to think that Oscar could be released into house arrest after serving out 10 months out of the total prison term.  The ideal thing would be for Oscar to serve the sentence associated with the crime without parole.

Would an ordinary South African, without Oscar’s celebrity status and wealth, given same circumstances, have been treated in similar fashion? Does the judgment send the right signal to others, like Oscar, who resort to pulling the trigger at the slightest chance?
The concern here is not whether one has a disdain for Oscar, but that of the law serving its true purpose. In every free society, everyone, irrespective of class and status, is governed by a rule of law, as opposed to a whim-ridden rule of men. The main objective of such a rule of law is to protect the rights and interests of every member of the society. An efficient and effective justice system is one that protects the lives and liberties of citizens without violating the rights of some to provide gains to others.

The deduction from the Oscar Pistorius’ case is that law has its limitations. In Nigeria, for instance, a rape offender could get off the hook with a fine option of N250, 000. Recently, a robbery suspect openly boasted that the penalty for the theft offence he committed is a mere three months in prison. The law is really an ass.
In Charles Dickens’ famous novel, ‘Oliver Twist’, Mr. Bumble, the miserable husband of a domineering wife, is told in court that “…the law supposes that your wife acts under your direction”; Bumble replies:”If the law supposes that, the law is a ass – a idiot”. What else could be said of a law that literarily gave Oscar an Oscar award for the murder of his girlfriend?

Tayo Ogunbiyi,
Ministry of Information & Strategy, Alausa, Ikeja