Nyako: Contractor denies collecting N300m

By Ibrahim Abdul’Aziz

As part of the fallout of the impeachment notice slammed on the Governor Murtala Nyako and his deputy, Barrister Bala James Ngilari, on Wednesday, a contractor handling the Mubi Bye Pass road construction in the state, Alhaji Maiwada Baba, has threatened to file a case against the House for defamation of his personality and the company.
Addressing news conference in yesterday Yola, the contractor who spoke through his solicitor, Barrister Sunday Joshua Wugira, described the alleged collection of N300 million, without mobilising to site, as levelled by the House was a fallacy.
Chairman of the Hydro Source and Resources, Alhaji Maiwada Baba, who the Adamawa state House of Assembly, alleged collecting the sum of N300 million on Mubi bye-pass, but refused to mobilise to site, has demanded a retraction and apology from the house of assembly or go to court.
The solicitor to the construction company, M A Bello & Com., told newsmen that his client did not collect the sum of N300 million as alleged in one of the 20-count charge against Governor Murtala Nyako and his deputy, Barrister Bala James Ngilari, but that the Adamawa state government was still indebted to his client to the tune of N500 million.
Barrister Wugira, who stood for the company, soliciting on behalf Hydro Source and Resources, the chairman of the company, Baba, said the Speaker of the House of Assembly had already received the letter of retraction and apology demanded by his client.
Meanwhile, the state Police Command yesterday said it had come to its notice that some desperate politicians were planning to foment trouble, and warned that the command would not hesitate to deal ruthlessly with such politicians.
In a press release by the image maker of the command, DSP Othman Abubakar, it advised the members of the public to move about their legitimate duties peacefully without fomenting trouble.