Northern group disowns Babachir Lawal over embittered remarks against Tinubu

A northern group, Tinubu/Shetima Strategic Alliance (TISSA), has disowned firmer Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF, over his comments condemning the administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

In a statement signed by Ambassador Adamu Abdul Loko (Turakin Loko), the group’s National Coordinator and made available to newsmen, “It came to us as a rude shock when the former Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Babachir Lawal, openly spilled blames on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu (GCFR) in a live broadcast recently. In what can best be described as embittered remarks, Mr. Lawal claimed that Nigeria collapsed the very day President Bola Ahmed Tinubu took the oath of office on May 29, 2023.

“While TISSA, one of the Northern Nigeria based APC/Tinubu support groups upholds the personality of the erstwhile SGF in high esteem, we wish to categorically state that we are against his recent media attack on the President.

“We are clearly against his antics and anti-political stance against the government of Bola Ahmed Tinubu, which is working around the clock to achieve its mandate of renewed hope in order to bring succor to millions of Nigerians.

“In the view of Lawal, the announcement of fuel subsidy removal on the day of inauguration by Mr. President has de facto plunged Nigeria into economic quagmire. He stated further that the decision was taken before the formation of the President’s cabinet, which according to his opinion can be described as unsuitable or more pejoratively, illegal.

“However, Lawal fails to accept the stark reality of the dangers posed by continual payment of fuel subsidy. Indeed, the crooner of this ‘media attack’ forgot in a jiffy that series of investigations have revealed that continuous payment of fuel subsidy is a scam and is most disastrous to the economic fortunes of Nigeria. In fact, prior to the ascendance of His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to power, a lot of Nigerians were on their knees begging that the incoming administration should remove fuel subsidy. These reports are in all the media of communication.
“Thus, Lawal would have avoid the sham and save himself from embarrassment by doing some facts check before launching his attacks.”

The statement continued: “Without joining issues with Lawal, we urge him to take a walk down the memory lane of Mr. President’s campaign promises and appreciate the fact that he is delivering on his mandate.

“Of course, there cannot be an omelet without breaking eggs, so if Lawal’s ox is gored, he should accept the fact that President Tinubu has taken over the mantle of Nigerian apex leadership to transform the country and bring relief to the talakawas not to promote rent-seeking and racketeering where few individuals will siphon the commonwealth of vast Nigerians in the name of fuel subsidy.

“It is glaring that under President Tinubu’s leadership, Nigeria is revamping back to life in every facet of the economy. The Nigerian refineries that were declared moribund and could not function for decades have been revamped to full life with the aim of ensuring local fuel production to serve the Nigerian populace, which by all intents and purposes will reduce the cost of energy and ease transportation within the country. These are longtime solutions that are made possible with the timely removal of fuel subsidy by the Tinubu administration, which Babacir Lawal is against.

“For the avoidance of doubt, the Tinubu administration’s effort in restructuring the economy and putting it on the world map is evident in incessant improvement of local production and manufacturing, technological and agrarian growth. Besides, the government is attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) with the aim of creating more jobs while infrastructural development is rapidly on the increase. We implore Lawal not to destabilize the polity and the rapid development being experienced under the Tinubu administration with his overheated remarks.

“Moreover, with the removal of fuel subsidy by the Bola Ahmed Tinubu administration, the monthly allocation of States has drastically increased with many States of the Federation now experiencing state-of-the-art development. We urge Lawal not to dissipate his energy on assailing media attacks on Mr. President, but use it expediently by inquiring from his governor how he is using the vast resources entrusted to him from the timely removal of fuel subsidy.”

The group added not it is not out to enumerate the achievements of the Tinubu administration, but it was good to lay bare some facts to avoid unscrupulous elements who are licking the wounds of their defeat at the last polls from misleading Nigerians.”

“We must grow beyond sentiments and uphold the spirit of patriotism in order to develop Nigeria regardless of who swings the pendulum of power.

“Consequently, we urge our northern brothers and the general Nigerian public to disregard Lawal’s embittered statement and continue to lend their full support for the Bola Ahmed Tinubu Administration. Now is the time for Nigeria to come out of the dungeons and experience unprecedented development under the amiable leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Lawal can as well beat his pride and join in the rebuilding of Nigeria instead of overheating the polity and casting malicious statements in the air,” it concluded.