New FAAN MD assumes office

Following the sack of Mr. George Uriesi as the managing director of the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), his successor, Mr. Saleh Dunoma, assumed duty yesterday.
At a brief hand-over ceremony at FAAN headquarters, Uriesi applauded Saleh’s appointment by the federal government saying the recent changes in the aviation industry “is one of the best decisions taken by government in recent past.”

The former managing director said the appointment “is a boost for the authority” and described his successor as a “straightforward leader whose humility and dignity never failed to marvel him (Uriesi).”
He also expressed appreciation for the great privilege he had working with Saleh and the entire FAAN staff for the past four years, first as a director and later as the managing director.

Uriesi, however, pointed out that though it would be challenging running FAAN “my desire is to see FAAN blossom.”
In his remarks, the new managing director said he had a close working relationship with his predecessor adding that under him (Uriesi) he was allowed to take critical decisions on his behalf.
He expressed appreciation for the trust and the support he enjoyed from Uriesi adding that “his exit from FAAN is a fulfillment of destiny as it was time for him to move somewhere else.”
Dunoma assured that the agency would build on the foundation laid by the former chief executive.