New Agaie emir pledges peace, unity, development of chiefdom

By Aideloje Ojo

The new Emir of Agaie in Niger state, Alhaji Yusuf Nuhu, has promised to work for peace, stability and development of the emirate and in a bid to promote the overall development of the emirate and the state in general.
The royal father stated this yesterday while speaking with journalists in his palace in Agaie, adding that he will continue with the good legacies laid by his predecessor.

He said that priority attention would be paid to the unity and development of his people.
The royal father enjoined the people in the emirate to rally round him in the discharge of the onerous responsibility as an emir and forge ahead to meet the challenges of the future.

Nuhu thanked the kingmakers for bestowing the position of emir on him. “I thank all those responsible for my appointment, kingmakers and the governor for confirming and approving my appointment.”
He said that he was touched by the show of affection for his person, by the people of the emirate that trooped out to his palace to congratulate him after he was given letter of appointment by the governor.