Muslims join Christians in breaking Lent in Kaduna

In order to further cement peaceful coexistence amongst religions, Muslims in Kaduna state yesterday joined their Christian brothers to break fast as part of line-up activities to mark this year’s major Christian Lent.
The significance of the Lent, including Ash Wednesday, was in reminding Christian faithful that they were made up of dust and that unto dust they must return, and hence should fast, pray, and forgive.

Addressing the gathering, the representative of Chief Imam, Sabon Tasha, Kaduna, Alhaji Alhassan Umar used the opportunity to call on the people of the state to embrace peaceful coexistence without been based on religion ground.
He said: “God has already joined us together and not by ourselves. It is, therefore, important to fear God and put away malicious intentions because it will not take us anywhere.”

In his view, Amb. Muhammed Arigbabuwo said the coming together of Muslims and Christian to eat and drink showed that the desired peace was gradually returning to what it used to be in the past decades.
Malam Lawal Yusuf Maduru stressed the need for the two religious bodies to come together and fight the enemies, saying that there should be concerted effort to reach more people, especially those who needed to be rehabilitated.

The convener, Pastor Yohanna Buru, reiterated the need for religion harmony in the state in order to foster peace and economy status of the state.
He thanked Muslims for honouring the invitation to breakfast together, and called on the media to always strive harder to promote peace related course within and outside the state so that efforts of good people and government could be appreciated.