Mohammed Kailani: A hero of Tinubu’s electoral victory

Engineer Dr Mohammed Kailani not only led the independent groups that campaigned vigorously to put President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in Aso Rock, but he was also among the Tinubu campaigners who changed the face of politicking in Nigeria and reenergised the idea of democracy itself. The life of Mohammed Kailani is that of ground breaking achievements which contributed also to the remarkable campaigns that culminated to the victory of President Tinubu in February 25, 2023, presidential election.

Mohammed Kailani, the director-general of the Confederation of APC Support Groups, in conjunction with the APC Presidential Campaign Council, PCC, charted a course for the campaigns that ensured the victory of President Tinubu. He is the ultimate hero that contributed immensely in strategising and mobilising the grassroots for Tinubu/Shettima and managed the challenges for the candidate of the party in the presidential election, Bola Tinubu.

He was actually there when the debates and deliberations about whether Tinubu should run for the presidency or not and through the epic primary battle at the Eagles Square and the general elections. Kailani was one of those who acted from behind showcasing the high-wired gamesmanship that fascinated pundits and the intrigues and drama that captivated a nation for Tinubu’s victory.

His type of campaigns for the victory of President Tinubu at the polls chronicles truly the arrival of a new moment in Nigeria’s political life at the convergence of digital technology and grassroots organisation and the exciting possibilities revealed by a campaign that in many ways functioned independently of the party’s PCC with laser-like focus and discipline. Mohammed Kailani is today recognised nationally as one of the heroes of the victory of President Tinubu, which is the greater heights of what we dream about for our country and ourselves.

Mohammed Kailani is never one who feigns loyalty to a political cause or his political party because he is always true to his creed. Among his peers he remained steadfast to the Tinubu project upto his emergence as president. He single-handedly deployed his resources to form his organisation to campaign for President Tinubu. He rented a multi-million naira property at Blantyre Street, Wuse 2, Abuja city centre, which he used as the headquarters of his campaign organisation for Tinubu. Kailani can rightly be described as a true hero of the victory of President Tinubu because he gave his all to support the cause; a cause for many received funds but nothing tangible to show for it, a cause many feigned loyalty but along the way sold out completely.

Mohammed Kailani has shown that he is a gallant and true soldier for the cause of Tinubu’s presidency because during the campaigns, he stood by the president for good and it is important that President Tinubu should know that if he had a true and reliable friend during the election, it was Mohammed Kailani.

Only those who lack the gallantry of Dr Mohammad Kailani will misconstrue his support for the president during the election. He is today an indispensable voice in the affairs of the APC so much so that the party would do anything to retain him in its ranks because he is an avid mobiliser and grassroots persona.

His political wits cannot be underestimated because he is a lion and a man of many weights, politically. He wants President Tinubu to succeed so that the mantra of change and renewed hope will add up to give the country a new deal as far as democracy and the welfare of the people are concern.

Mohammed Kailani is never one that makes comments that could heat up the polity to cause disaffection in the aftermath of the president’s victory at the polls. He will never be a part of the negative triumphalism that many put on display that flies in the face of post-election peace, unity and national stability. He is committed to the true healing of political wounds in the overriding interests of national unity, stability and progress and not to ethnic jingoism and the settling of scores.

Musa Wada writes from