Kaduna Polytechnic, please investigate this

Kaduna Polytechnic is one of the academic institutions in the country I respect a lot because it has contributed immensely to what I am today and what I will even become in future. I read mass communication at national diploma level from the polytechnic in question and I must admit that I was given a very sound and quality teaching, which has refined me into what many have testified to be good.

However, the alleged misappropriation of the Industrial Training Funds (ITF) by some staff of the polytechnic is what impelled me to write this. The ITF’s office is always releasing funds for students who are to participate in “Students’ Industrial and Work Experience Scheme” (SIWES) in order to assist them for their expenses during the programme.
Many students from Kaduna Polytechnic who have participated in the programme for more than four years have allegedly not been given anything. The set of students who graduated from the polytechnic in 2012 and participated in the programme before graduating have allegedly not received anything from ITF but those who even came after them have been paid.  I call on the management of Kaduna Polytechnic to investigate this claim and act promptly and accordingly.

Awunah Terwase