Film festivals association announces 2024 calendar 

The Nigerian Film Festivals Association (NFFA) is to commence her 2024 calendar year at the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja on February 15.

The programme will begin with the Inside Nollywood International Film Festival and Award while Nollywood Travel Festival is slated for March in Milan.

This year’s calendar captured and recognised 26 film festivals across the country.

In a statement signed by the publicity secretary of the organization, Kate Ezeigbo, and made available to newsmen in Port Harcourt, explained that, the present administration led by Mr Uche Agbo has started off the year with the launch of the calendar which enable creative minds around the world plan effectively to participate in the festivals.

“Film festivals promote networking, cultural exchange and diversity, marketability and distribution of our products, artistic innovation and experimentation, community engagement and economic impact. 

“To achieve all of these, there is need for a proper organisation and that is one of the essence of the NFFA Calendar”, the statement said.

Ezeigbo said the association craved the indulgence of all creatives, government parastatals, industries, guilds, investors, sponsors and individuals to take advantage of this initiative and participate.

Other events scheduled in the calendar include Eko International Film Festival in Lagos, April and Coolcity Film festival at Enugu, in March.

Igbowood film festival art exhibition and award, Nollywood iconic personalities and film festival award and Nollywood film festival scheduled for May and June while gospel film festival is also to be held in June in Ibadan among others.