FCT DRTS digital regime and revenue generation

The digitalisation of processes of renewal of road worthiness, change of ownership and vehicle inspection of the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Directorate of Road Traffic Services, or VIO, has in no small way helped to save the FCT of diversion of revenue. The incumbent director Wadata Aliyu Bodinga who rose through the ranks has after his assumption of office plugged every loophole and leakage having served as the head of logistics at one time. Progressively, this has also helped in the recovery of stolen vehicles during the process of change of ownership

Hitherto, the manual system caused the under declaration of revenue into the treasury as some corrupt staff indulged in diverting funds through dubious means. So far, the DRTS comes second after AGIS. All these successes were recorded through the collective effort of the entire staff and the open door leadership policy of Bodinga.

Sensitive agencies like the DRTS that has zero tolerance for corruption is entrusted with herculean tasks ranging from ministerial task force against unpainted taxi, okada, illegal parking, violation of traffic rules and trade licence has been able to discharge the duties without fear or favour which makes it to collaborate with other sister agencies like the Police, DSS, Civil Defence, FRSC, Immigration and others.

 The responsibilities of DRTS are such that require the support of the general public as they relate to traffic matters which affect everyone in view of why the FCT Minister Mallam Muhammed Bello has prioritised the adherence to traffic rules within the FCT in accordance to global best practices. Since the inauguration of the ministerial committee on adherence to traffic rules, comprising VIO, FRSC, Civil Defence, Immigration and the DSS, various offenders have been arrested and prosecuted accordingly except for those that have strong defence on why they should not be charged by mobile court headed by competent judges.

All these laudable achievements were made possible through the support of the FCT minister. It is only in this part of the world that traffic related issues are taken lightly. World over, huge budgetary allocations are made to tackle traffic congestion which are majorly caused by obstruction to stipulated traffic rules like route violation, illegal parking, beating of traffic as well as driving against one way. The FCT Administration through the DRTS took it upon itself not to condone indiscipline as regards traffic violation in view of why the ministerial task force was put in place to curtail the excesses of some motorists. So far, it has drastically reduced as arrested motorists were subjected to psychiatric tests, payment of fines and impounding of their vehicles. The DRTS has over time also independently embarked on sensitisation and enlightenment of motorists through newspapers, radio and television on the dangers associated with violation of traffic rules which sometimes lead to loss of lives and properties

 The rising cases of one chance across the FCT where innocent passengers are robbed has also become worrisome to the FCT authorities which necessitated the capacitating of the DRTS task force in Wuye which also arrests illegal motorcycles that ply the city. The fear of the task force by violators and one chance criminals is the beginning of wisdom. There are other strategies the Wadata Bodinga led DRTS also need to adopt in order to tackle these vices; periodical interaction with commuters on how not to fall victims of one chance robbery; retreat for officers involved in joint operations of the MJTF; expanded media parley; educational programmes for schools on traffic via collaborations with CSOs; outreach to provost units of sister security agencies who are fond of traffic violation; general public awareness. When implemented, it could go a long way to create the enabling environment for cooperation and adherence and above all reduce spate of criminality

Funding for the various operations is also necessary as it involves other sister agencies like the Police, Civil Defence, DSS, Immigration and even road safety. When their allowances both hazards and insurance are adequately taken care of, efficiency and productivity will be the result. Presently, there exist a lot of lawless motorists especially the commercial ones who drop and pick at will which sometimes causes obstruction and accidents. The effort of the combined task force has in no small way yielded results. There are instances where uniform personnel who violated traffic rules were apprehended and sanctioned accordingly sometimes through the impounding of their vehicles. This explains the true side of the law where no one is above the law. There is the need for FCT residents especially motorists to obey traffic rules in the interest of ourselves and others

Areas the team needs to also focus on is the violation of traffic light and one way routes in the evenings from 6pm along Ahmadu Bello Way, Muhammadu Buhari Way, National Mosque and other axis. Stationing of bikers, patrol team and disguised officers to arrest offenders is also very important.

The support of the general public is also important at this time as these goals cannot be achieved without the contribution of the public. Any report regarding violation of traffic could be transmitted to the appropriate authorities for action after all we are also citizen police who possess the constitutional powers to act in the interest of the nation.

The presidential recovery team of the DRTS that evacuates broken down vehicles along the road to their office in Mabushi is also not left out in its task of clearing the FCT roads of broken down vehicles due to mechanical faults. Sometimes it is in the interest of the motorists as such vehicles are sometimes vandalised.

Mahmud writes from Abuja