Family remains first church – Mbaka

Chairman of Platinum Mortgage Bank Plc, Engr Emmanuel Ndubisi Mbaka, has reminded Catholic faithful the message of His Holiness, Pope Francis that the family remains the first church.
According to Sir Mbaka, the family is “God’s constant yes to life which also translates to His love for the world and the future of humanity.” Sir Mbaka stated this in an interview with our reporter in Abuja shortly after he returned from the 9th edition of World Meeting of Families (WMOF2018) which held in Royal Dublin Society (RDS), Ireland.
He described the family as the basis for the church, noting that the congress he attended in Ireland provided an avenue for fruitful tourism where participants shared in the joy of the festival of families.
Mbaka said: “The festival of families is a very special event, which its heart, celebrates families and their faith, from around the world.” He urged Catholic families to key into the event celebrated every three years, stressing that, “The festival afforded families the opportunity of dancing and embracing spoken word of God.” He noted that some participants also testified how their families were miraculously sustained and nourished with hope and love through the most challenging times of their lives.
“Every three years the Catholic Church brings together the largest international gathering of families in the world.
Ireland has the privilege of hosting the 2018 edition from 21 – 26 August and the next Congress holds 2021 in Rome,” he said