Edo polls: Group warns ruling party

The G37 Political Support Group, Wednesday alleged that the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Edo state has allegedly recruited 200 persons in selected local government areas of the state perceived to be the stronghold of the opposition All progressive Congress (APC).

According to the group, this was with the view to disrupt the forthcoming voter registrations exercise in a bid to disenfranchise the supporters of the party.

National Coordinator of the group , Comrade Evans City, who stated this in Abuja claimed that the state government knowing full well that the PDP’s candidate would be rejected at the poll have resorted to self-help.

He noted that they were mobilising their supporters to make sure the voter registration exercise was frustrated in the strongholds of the opposition through snatching of registration materials as well as inducing the adhoc staff to do their bidding.

He said the plan which had already been exposed could never be allowed to come to fruition by the G37 and other supporters of the APC in Edo state.

Comrade City further stated that it would be ungodly if the people were deprived of their rights to elect a credible leader in the coming poll in Edo state.

“We have a credible information that the PDP and Edo state government have perfected the plans to bribe and intimidate where necessary adhoc staff designated for the coming continuous voter registration exercise in the state to do their bidding by disenfranchising many people in the strongholds of the APC to reduce the voting strength of our people.

“This particular move will be dead on arrival as we are not going to allow such evil to see the light of the day,” City Warned.

The APC chieftain who commended INEC for responding to the calls for voter registration said the commission must be on alert to stop the evil plot being orchestrated by the PDP in Edo state.