Covention: Forum promises to buy form, mobilise delegates for Frank

A newly formed pro-democracy forum on the aegis of Young Men in Politics (YMP), has expressed support for the chairmanship ambition of Deputy Publicity Secretary of All the Progressives Congress (APC), Comrade Timi Frank, assuring that it will not only purchase form for him but vigorously campaign for his emergence.
The forum, which has members across all register political parties including the ruling APC, said Timi Frank’s chairmanship ambition is a welcome development at a time Nigerian youths have resolved to show capacity in leadership at all levels. Recall that Frank had declare recently to contest the National Chairmanship position of the ruling APC. In a statement signed on Sunday in Abuja, Chairman of the forum and his Secretary Comrade Olalekan Daniel and Barrister Mamunat Muhammed respectively, said the group will reach out to APC delegates across the country and mobilise support for the Bayelsa born young politician.
The statement also said Comrade Frank has shown capacity and integrity as deputy spokesman of APC, “who has refused to be intimidated despite all what he went through. Frank has always stood by the truth no matter the situation, a trait that has distinguished him from so many other politicians. While citing example of young President Macron in France, leader of ruling party in South-Africa Melama and National Chairman of ruling party in Kenya, who is also a young man, the pro-democracy group urges President Muhammadu Buhari and other National leaders of APC to give a young man a chance to reposition the party.
The group said despite Comrade Frank’s age, he has proven to be an experienced politician who has seen it all in Nigeria’s politics having been a youth leader for the former ruling party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), for years. “Timi Frank is a proud member of our forum and we can attest to his experience in politicking which spans almost two decades, and he has the ears of most political leaders spread across the six geo-political zones of the country