Court bars Edo monarch from celebrating new yam

Justice M. O. Ighodalo of a Benin High Court has restrained the Enogie of Igbontor/Idumiru community, Igbanke in Edo state, Moses Omorodion and two others for announcing and performing the new yam festival for the community.
Ruling in an exparte motion with suit No.
B/463M/18 filed by Chief (Dr.) Henry Omorodion, the court also restrained the traditional ruler and co-defendants from further parading themselves as the Duke of Igbontor/Idumiru community, Orhionmowon local government area of the state as well as acting in any other traditional capacity.
Having heard the submission of T.
A Akahomen, and I.
U Omoruyi, for the claimant/applicant, the Judge, Justice M. O. Ighodalo thereafter restrained the defendants by themselves, their servants, privies, or assigning or any other person or persons from parading themselves as the Duke or performing traditional rites in the community.
According to the exparte motion, the claimant, Chief (Dr.) Henry Omorodion, sought for a court order restraining the defendants, Duke, Moses Omorodion, Ile Omorodion and Sunday Omorodion from further parading themselves as the the Duke of Igbontor/Idumiru Community in Orhionmowon Local Government Area of Edo State as well as acting in any other traditional capacity.
Besides, the claimant also prayed the court for an order barring the defendants from fixing, announcing and performing the new yam festival, pending the hearing and determination of the motion.
The court however ordered the claimant/applicant to enter into an undertaken with the Registrar of the court to pay the sum of N100, 000 to the defendants in the event that the end of the trial of the substantive suit turns out not to be made.