Borno: Buni commissions Nguru market named after Shiekh Ngibirma

Yobe state Governor Mai Mala Buni and his Gombe state counterpart Alhaji Mohammed Inuwa Yahaya, Saturday, commissioned the newly constructed Nguru International Modern Market with 505 shops of different sizes.

Governor Buni during the commissioning named the market after a renowned Islamic scholar, late sheikh Mohammed Ngibirma.

He said the islamic scholar dedicated his life to the teaching of Islamic .

Buni stated that the state government constructed the market in order to promote trade and commerce for economic growth as part of measures to fast tract the recovery of the state from insurgency.

“This market has provided enabling environment to stimulate the economy of the community and the the state in general.

“The Nguru Ultra modern market has the inner structures of administrative block, mosque, refuse bank, perimeter fence, electricity, boreholes, drainage and road.

“The market will be register as a limited liability company with a board of directors.To day to day running of the market is to be headed by a general manager who will be supported by management staff,” he said.

Buni enjoined the appointees on the board and management of the market to work in harmony to ensure good utilisation of all the facilities for realisation of the state collective goals of providing the Project.

In his remarks, Governor Yahaya thanked Yobe state government for finding him worthy to commission the ultra modern market that is cited at the right place,”Nguru”.