Aspirant promises accountability in NOUN election

As the law society of Nigeria’s election of the National Open University of Nigeria , Yenagoa branch ,  draw nearer, one of the contestants for the office of the president’s position Goodluck – Ayebanoa,  has promised not only to continue from the strides of the outgoing president,  Julius  Enemuagha, but said his regime intends to    introduce  some developmental issues that will enhance learning and students interaction at the NOUN Bayelsa state study centre.

Among areas of focus he said will include:  regular seminars, accountability, transparency and unity between students and the school management.
According to him, he is a candidate with motivation and as a former Public Relations Officer of the Association; his desire is to add more values to the union by building on the legacies of the previous administration that had partnered with Gov Seriake Dickson.