Activism and the never again

Activism or unionism is a platform to correct the ills of society or advance strategies to preserve the positive ideals and set standard. Th e black race naturally has inclinations towards resistance of tyranny and oppression, which accounted for historical migrations and war of attrition among our forebears. Possession of mystical forces and supernatural powers by certain individuals that led struggles against oppressive rule or creation of new orders during the Dark Age clearly diff ers from qualities inherent among cadres of struggle since the colonial era in Nigeria.

Th ere are people with apt mastery of historical occurrences, but it is amazing to note that the early activists in Nigeria were motivated by qualitative education on essence of fairness, equity and justice among all members of the society towards the protection of human race. A philosopher once said that peace is not absence of confl ict but presence of justice. Peaceful coexistence is the real essence of activism, as peace without justice is an attestation to loss of equity and fairness, which amount to loss of liberty.

Preservation of rights and privileges formed the cardinal objectives of unionism and only people with the intellectual capacity qualify to lead comrades and command respect among their followers except on matters that border on breach of trust. A comrade must command respect as a model for trust, honesty and integrity; these exemplary qualities are indisputably required to advance the cause of the people as their representative at any point in time. Solidarity forever is no longer pristine as a slogan today, it is being continuously abused by circumstantial members of unionism cadre at diff erent levels where personal aggrandizement has replaced genuine agitations to resolve public outcry in Nigeria in particular. Unknown to the myopic minds, there are experts with broad spectrum of knowledge on rudiments and intricacies in championing genuine agitations to add value to people’s lives. Th ese myopic minds have turned activism to a trade or mere representation for the purpose of protecting a particular interest at variance with the essence and dictates of unionism. Representation of people’s interest is expectedly entrusted to morally conscious people with distinction in compliance with dictates of law. Other parameters like record of good conscience, honesty and integrity are standard yardsticks for choosing leadership over members of any cadre. Ironically, what we witness today clearly contradicts the standard procedures and ethics. Th is era, to a great extent, has deviated from traditions and customs of unionism as the fold no longer brandishes exceptionally bright minds as leaders with stints and bites to correct the ills of the society or represent the interest of their members without ulterior motives for personal benefi ts at the expense of the collective interest. Sterling qualities like intellectualism and good behaviour are mostly lacking among union leaders in the face of defi cient considerations as parameters for emergence of union leaders in many domains, save for renowned leftist ideological groups where traditions and customs are well preserved till date.

Unionism has taken a dimension of conformity with the decadence in the society as selfi shness and greed reign supreme in minds of most politically inclined union leaders who are either proponents or stooges of heads of establishment or political jobbers in lust for recognition and patronage. Th ere is no argument over the substandard state of education in Nigeria, the ills and rots in our society today are products of warped logic and feeble thoughts that translate to sordid actions that undermine growth and development in Nigeria. To assemble sane minds with targets to sanitize the activism fold is a herculean task, but to infl uence young minds through coordinated eff orts to facilitate a change in unionism is a task that must not be ignored for posterity sake. Moral uprightness and exemplary positive deeds without fl aws are the hallmark of reputable union leaders worldwide. A union leader must be reputed for forthrightness and sincerity of purpose to be qualifi ed as a union leader at the fi rst instance, a situation where egocentric, arrogant and proud demagogues assume leadership of union amount to hypocrisy, mischief and insults the real essence of unionism. For anyone to command respect as a vocal advocate for a change of tide, his conduct must conform to known values and standard of unionism worldwide. Leadership or power at any level is transient; this serves as a watch word for union leaders with understanding of the implications of creating bad antecedents while in offi ce. In retrospect, union leaders were conscious of scandal in the old order, but today, a glance at the activities of most unionists bring palpitations to sane minds. Union leaders of yesteryears were not only well educated but highly enlightened, they aligned with SWOT analysis before criticizing any policy or advance any cause of action. And by this, they emerged victorious in countless numbers of struggles. As a union leader, to oppose a view or action without proper understanding of rudiments or factors that informed the occurrence is occasionally inappropriate; this doesn’t undermine diff erentiation between positive and negative actions. If negative actions amount to bastardizing of morals in the society, to strive to correct immoralities is a focal point towards the actualization of peace and progress in the society. Th e crux of this piece is to challenge activists and union leaders at all levels to examine their fl aws and correct themselves in order to abate the spate of misrepresentation of the essence of activism. Whosoever must correct others must never coat truth with lies and must be fi rm and upright in decision making. Th e fact that majority usually have their way has never stopped subscribers of activism from airing their opposing views, opinions and positions to the views of majority as minority and often times, minority views have translated into collective good. Determination to stand for truth and honest deeds without element of bias or intimidation remains a standard quality of a genuine union leader; belong to the fold of people with deep and thorough thoughts over a matter before taking position as ego, pride and arrogance lead to nothing other than selfdestruction. Comrade Agboola is Vice Chairman, Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Polytechnics, Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa Chapter. Email: goodcitizen4g

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