Secondus and PDP’s trench building for 2019

At a recent National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) national chairman, Prince Uche Secondus, exposed the ‘inadequacies’ of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) and laid bare what the PDP must do to sweep off the APC in 2019. In this article, PATRICK ANDREW writes on some of the key issues
Mace snatching hallmark of APC’s incompetence “As you must have been following the nation’s political terrain, since our last meeting, you will agree with me that all is not yet well with our nation. The situation in our country is very disturbing as the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) has continued to show in all ramifications that it lacks the wherewithal to manage this country.
“The ugly incident in the nation’s Senate on Wednesday 18th April, 2018 more than anything else underscores the fact that our democracy is seriously under threat. Nigerians and international community watched horrified as the spokesman of President Muhammadu Buhari’s support Group in the Senate, Senator Ovie Omo-Agage led thugs into the hallowed chambers of the nation’s senate to steal the mace the authority of the Senate and kidnapped a Senator: “That these hoodlums passed through all the security checks and majestically worked into the chambers to cause such havoc leaves much to chew to all discerning minds.
As the President and APC leaders globe throttle meeting World leaders the legislative arm of the government, in fact the main symbol of democracy the legislature is being vandalised by agents sponsored by the government.
APC’s coup against democracy “What happened in the Senate is a clear assault on democracy, a coup against the legislature and should not only be condemned but those responsible should be tried for treason as demanded by the law. The APC is stewing in its own venomous broth. The nation can now see why, even with a sitting President, the party is still finding it difficult to agree on simple issues, but always attempt to circumvent and violate the laws to push desperate agenda of their selfish leaders.
Growing insecurity “Herdsmen brazenly invade our homes and farms, rape, maim and kill our people daily, and thugs do the same in our parliament yet we have a government “This obnoxious development has placed enormous challenge on us as the main opposition party to up our game and quickly rescue this country from the appalling APC administration.
“The majority of Nigerians, who are disillusioned about the state of affairs in the last three years, are excited that we are trying to get it right as we remain the last hope for our democracy.
APC’s condemnation of OmoAgege Though the national secretariat of the APC had distanced the party and its leadership from the allegedly dastardly acts of the thugs allegedly led on by Senator Ovie Omo-Agege, the PDP thinks it is the stock in trade of the APC and therefore Nigerians should not be deceived by anything pretentious pious declaration by the ruling party. “We call on Nigerians not to be deceived by the sudden law-abiding stance of the APC, as it is merely cosmetic and meant to cloak their hidden but soon to be manifested plots to manipulate the laws to push a self-succession plan of their incompetent candidate. “It is evident that APC has never had anything to offer Nigerians other than confusion, disagreements, economic recession, bad national image and painful bloodletting. Buhari’s condescending comments, de-marketing of Nigeria The main opposition party recalls that on many occasions, the president had misrepresented the nation by painting it on bad light by claiming that Nigerians are corrupt and therefore directing dissuading willing investors from coming to invest in the country.
Accordingly, the PDP national chairman capitalised on this lapse to slam the APC-led federal government for this apparent show of want of diplomacy. “We have also noted with disbelief, the continued demarketing of this country by the President each time he travels outside the country. This time he chose to abuse and deride our hardworking youths as lazy, a remark that is not only embarrassing but untrue. Our youths are not lazy, they are resourceful and indeed they are our future leaders.
On the 30th of April, 2018, our President is scheduled to meet with the President of the United States of America in Washington, the home of democracy and free speech, but back home in his country; antidemocratic weapons are being deployed against the Nigerian people. “We commend our elder statesmen and other patriotic Nigerians who have spoken up on the urgent need to rid the country of the current bad APC government and enthrone a government that will serve our needs.
The way forward The PDP like a daring goal poacher lurking around the last quarter of the pitch to latch on loose ball, grabbed the opportunity by insisting on the need of the electorate to stand up against a failed administration whose only reputation is built on deceit and n propaganda. “All hands must be on deck to achieve the great task of removing this APC government and replacing it with a government that will meet the hope and aspirations of Nigerians.
“Nigerians must therefore remain alert and very wary of all activities of power mongers in the APC, who are so mortally afraid of elections that they are ready to destroy our democratic institution to achieve their selfish agenda of perpetuating themselves in power to the peril of our dear nation. “Because of this challenge, we have taken it upon ourselves as the leading opposition party to broaden our scope, open our doors and allow ideas to flow in for a more robust democratic development. Ready for coalition?
The PDP seems desperate and ready to cooperate with other likeminded political parties against the APC. Unlike in the past when such collaboration was tacitly sought and forged, this time much earlier than usual, the PDP has publicly declared its willingness to align with APC foes to undo the ruling party. “We therefore, invitee our brother, sister, youths and women from other political parties in this platform to join us to rescue our country that is in distress, socially, politically, economically and security wise. In this country today over 3.1m citizens are languishing in various IDPs across the country yet we are not at war with any country. “Our consultations have taken us to meet with various interest groups who are willing to do business with us and I can report to you that it has very fruitful.
We expect in coming days to have a broader political family working dedicatedly to rescue this democracy and our beloved country from the hands of APC. “Since peace and unity in the party is key to realizing any of our aspirations particularly winning the Presidency, a peace and reconciliatory efforts were catalysed. Permit me at this juncture therefore to place on record the yeoman role of the Chairman of our reconciliatory Committee His Excellency, Governor Seraike Dickson of Bayelsa state who has submitted his committee report to the NWC.
Gov Fayose the shining light “Also for special mention here is the former Senate President David Mark whose committee on Ekiti state has also been submitted. Just yesterday myself, Senator Mark and members of NWC were in Ado Ekiti to put flesh to the recommendations and I can proudly report to you that Ekiti PDP is approaching July gubernatorial election as one huge family.
“I must not forget to commend Governor Ayodele Fayose and other leaders of the party in Ekiti state for their cooperation. We have also began the same process for Osun state where a successful congress was conducted and peace building process put underway ahead of September gubernatorial election in that state.”
PDP only hope The NEC was duly informed of the enormous task ahead and that imposes a huge responsibility on them that entails doing everything to rescue the Nigerian people and its nascent democracy from ‘the vicious grip of visionless cluster of power mongering elements’.
“It the repositioned PDP remains open with a level playing ground for all Nigerians to aspire for any position, without hindrances or manipulations, while ensuring strict observance to internal democracy at all level of our process”.