2023: Group canvasses support for Atiku

The Atiku Campus Youth Network (ACYN) has called on all Nigerian students, youths and women to mobilise and galvanise support for the aspirations of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar of Nigeria during 2023 presidential elections.

Adeola Adeyeye, Director General, AYCN made the assertion while addressing  gathering of youths at Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) secretariat Kano council.

He said the network is a student and youth-oriented support organisation, formed to galvanise support for presidential aspirant of the former vice president.

He, similarly said, the network after a wide consultations with students, the youth, women and other key stakeholders across 36 states of the federation, including Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, resolved to mobilise network campus students in all Nigerian tertiary institutions for the presidential aspirations of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar.

He pointed out that Atiku Abubakar during his time as Vice President of Nigeria, chaired the National Economic Council, which led the country into massive economic recovery after successive of military administrations in Nigeria.

“Alhaji Atiku Abubakar oversaw the drastic change in Nigerian debt profile which resulted increase in our foreign reserve,”

“As head of economic team, he oversaw the sale of hundreds of loss-making and poorly-managed public enterprises converting them to profit making ventures. This has resulted in the revolution of the telecommunications sector as a major boost in our economy and one of the largest employers of labour in Nigeria,” he further said.

Speaking on national unity, Adeyeye explained that Atiku Abubakar is one of the few Nigerians with cooperate investment across all of Nigeria which has facilitated national coalition.

“It is the strongest believe that  Alhaji Atiku Abubakar understands the dynamic nature of all regions that make up Nigeria and has the capacity of managing these differences for national growth and development through a properly executed federal restructuring and devolution of powers to federating states.”

The network empahsised that Alhaji Abubakar is a detribalised Nigerian with his ideologies rooted in nationalism and the need to give all sub-national entities of Nigeria a sense of belonging and national conditions.