Zazzau emir to intervene in ASUP, COEASU strikes

By AbdulRaheem Aodu

Emir of Zazzau, Dr Shehu Idris, yesterday promised to intervene on behalf of the traditional institutions between government and the striking lecturers of Polytechnics and Colleges of Education (CoE) with a view to bringing the over 10 months old strike to an end.

The emir made the pledge in his palace when he received the Chairman, Council of Heads of Polytechnics (COHEADS) and Rector of Husseini Adamu Federal Polytechnic, Kazaure, Dr Kabiru Ibrahim Matazu, who paid him a condolence visit over the death of the Sarduana of Zazzau, Dr Mohammed Jumare and to seek his support in bringing the 10 months old strike to an end.

Idris, who appreciated the visit, lamented that the strike had lingered on for too long.
He stressed the need for dialogue as a way of resolving issues, while assuring that he would speak to the relevant authorities to address the situation with a view to bringing the strike to an end.

He said: “If there is anything you want the traditional institution to assist in talking to people upstairs, we will be ready to do. On behalf of the traditional body, we will do the utmost and also speak with the federal government on the matter.”

Earlier, in his address, the COHEADS chairman said they were in the palace to condole the emir and the Emirate over the death of its council members, and to appeal to him to help intervene in the strike that had paralysed academic and other activities in the nation’s federal polytechnics and colleges of education.

Also speaking, Kaduna state Polytechnic Rector, Dr Mohammed Bello Ibrahim, who was part of the entourage alongside his management team, reiterated the need for urgent attention for the strike to be brought to an end.
Ibrahim was also accompanied by the Rector of the Federal Polytechnic, Kaura Namoda, Engr. Ahmed Luggard.