Zamfara: Constituents write INEC, want Jaji recall from House of Reps

The people of Kaura Namoda/Birnin Magaji constituency in Zamfara has urged the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to facilitate the recall of Honourable Aminu Sani Jaji from the House of Representatives.

In a letter dated 20 May, 2024, the constituency under the aegis of Kaura Namoda/Birnin Magaji Federal Constituency Coalition for Sustainable Democracy, frowned at the lawmaker’s performance since his election.

In a letter signed by the duo of the chairman of the coalition, Hon. Bello Mahmu, and the Secretary, Comrade Mustapha Ibrahim, the constituency expressed displeasure with what it described as “he poor representation of Hon. Aminu Sani Jaji in the House of Representatives and have resolved to recall him immediately so as not to further waste the remaining three years of our mandate given to him at a time the constituency needs security, social amenities and dividends of democracy due to bandits’ siege of the area.”

Part of the letter read, “Numerous complaints have been made against him on daily basis by aggrieved and neglected members of the constituency as he abandoned them to their fate.”

It also stated that”All efforts to call him to order and the urgent need to interface with his constituents failed as abandoned his constituency oblivion of the sufferings of the people who need effective representation, someone to highlight their plights and attract State and Federal solutions that will ameliorate their problems.

“Hon. Jaji’s political party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) at Ward, Local Government and State levels equally intervened to no avail.

“As a political party that abhors inept leadership, the Ward , Local Government and State Chapters of the party suspended him accordingly which was widely reported in the national media and social media.

“In view of Hon. Aminu Jaji’s very poor representation, we the good people of Kaura Namoda/Birnin Magaji Federal Constituency have resolved and strongly determined to recall him from the House of Representatives immediately to avoid further squander and fritter away of our mandate to him. We miscalculated in our choice of Hon. Jaji.

In tandem with Section 69 of the 1999 Constitution, as amended, which provides for the recall of a member of the House of Representatives among others viz:

“A member of the Senate or of the House Representatives may be recalled as such a member if –

“(a) there is presented to the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission a petition in that behalf signed by more than one-half of the persons registered to vote in that member’s constituency alleging their loss of confidence in that member; and

“(b) the petition is thereafter, in a referendum conducted by the Independent National Electoral Commission within ninety days of the date of receipt of the petition, approved by a simple majority of the votes of the persons registered to vote in that member’s constituency.”

“Giving credence to Section 69 of the Constitution, Section 14 (2)b of the Constitution states that the security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government.

“With the combined effect of Section 14 (2)b and Section 69 of the Constitution, we hereby request for all the Forms and materials needed to commence the recall process. The long suffering electorate are ready to endorse their signatures. Our mandate is sacrosanct, it should not be taken for granted for any reason or for no reason whatsoever as power resides in the people.

“We are resolute in recalling Hon. Jaji from the House of Representatives to pave way for an effective, competent, capable, dynamic, purposeful, result-oriented and compassionate lawmaker. It is our right to have a quality and efficient representative and to withdraw a non-performing one.

For sustainable democracy, development, progress, and advancement, it is in the interest of the constituency for Hon. Jaji to be recalled immediately.”