You ‘re testament to good leadership, dedication to humanity, Tinubu, Abiodun extol Alake at 80 


President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has described the Alake of Egbaland Oba Aremu Gbadebo as a leader whose virtues transcend his community.

He also lauded the monarch’s support for arts, culture and education to ensure the preservation of Yoruba heritage for generations yet unborn.

Speaking at the thanksgiving service to mark the Alake’s 80th birthday at the Cathedral of St. Peters, Ake, Abeokuta, President Tinubu said Oba Gbadebo’s eight decades of leadership has been a testimony of unwavering commitment to the welfare of his people and the nation at large.

Represented by Ogun state governor, Dapo Abiodun, the president said: “As his Royal Majesty reaches this remarkable milestone, we are reminded not only of his dedication to Nigeria, but also his warm, humility and generosity.

“He has been a shining example of leadership that extends beyond his community, emphasizing the importance of compassion and service to all Nigerians.”

On his part, Governor Abiodun noted that attaining the age of 80 in good health and many noteworthy feats worthy of admiration could be attributed to divine favour.

“Kabiyesi, I am indeed thrilled and sincerely grateful for the unwavering support and guidance that our administration has received from you over the years, especially your open and unequivocal support to our second term in office.

“Without mincing words, it is expedient to state that Egbaland is blessed to have you as an exemplary monarch, and we are delighted to be associated with the successes you have recorded in the last 38 years of your reign on the throne of your ancestors,” Abiodun said.

In his sermon, the Archbishop, Metropolitan and former Primate of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), the Most Revd Peter Akinola, decried the prevalent of wickedness in the Nigeria, saying corruption had eaten deep into the fabrics of the society.