Wife of Kebbi governor rejoices with Muslims

Wife of Kebbi state governor, Hajiya Zainab Nasare Nasir Idris, has rejoiced with Muslims on the Eid-el-Kabir celebration with reflective significance on the high piety of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) in obedience to the command of His Lord, Allau Subhabahu wata’ala.

In her Sallah message to the Muslim ummah as they celebrate the Eid-el-Kabir,  Sunday, Hajiya Zainab Nasare, advised them to use the opportunity to strengthen their faith in monotheism for the worship of the almighty Allah alone as practiced by the Noble Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

She remarked that the Eid-el-kabir encompassed lessons for all mankind to reflect on the absolute submission to the will of Allah his servant, Prophet Ibrahim, (AS) who was commanded to sacrifice his son, Isma’il, with due obedience by both the father and son, before being substituted with a sacrificial animal.

“Muslims must continue to be God-fearing in their public and private lives, with absolute devotion to the acts of worship prescribed by Allah , as basic foundation for peace, tranquility, security and prosperity in the society,” she advised.

Hajiya Zainab who is performing the hajj in Saudi Arabia, requested Muslims at home and in the Holy Land to pray fervently for the success of leaders at all levels of government and for achieving remarkable progress in Nigeria in all fields of human endeavour.

“Muslims should imbibe the practical aspect of the hajj of assembling faithful from all over the world to gather in one place in tranquility and they should reflect this scenario at home by upholding the virtues of unity, brotherhood, cohesion and sincerity of purpose towards the attainment of greater nation,” Hajiya Nasare said.