Why workers deserve ‘living wages’ – Orthodox Communion

The Orthodox Anglicans Communion has charged the federal and state governments on the need to maintain fiscal prudence and accountability, saying it was fine the government gave Nigerian workers a ‘living wage’.

The church made the demands in a communique issued at the end of the First Session of the First Synod of its Diocese on the Confluence which held at the Cathedral Church of the Enlightened Christian in Ajaokuta, Kogi state.

“The synod calls the governments to come to terms and logical conclusion with the organized labour as regard the national minimum wage. The synod calls on the present dispensation to give Nigerians a living wage and something worth going home with. Nigerians should not be slaves in their home land

“The Synod therefore calls on the government at all levels to ensure discipline, prudence and accountability in the use and disbursement of government resources. Also, production at a levels should be encouraged while all aspects of agriculture should be developed to enhance our national economic fortunes”, the church said in the communique jointly signed by the Diocesan, Most Rev Dr. Moses Suberu and the Clerical Synod Secretary, Rev Canon Abraham Ornyor.

The Synod noted that its theme “Seek the lost sheep, an urgent call for all Christians” taken from Luke 15:1-7 “is very appropriate at a time like this in the life of our nation Nigeria especially following the series of kidnapping and banditry going on in the nation”.

It however appreciated efforts of both the Federal and State Governments in tackling the menace of kidnapping and banditry in all parts of the nation.

“The Synod calls on the citizens of Nigeria to abide by all security measures put in place to safeguard the nation. When you see something, say something

“The increasing rate of poverty in Nigeria which has turned Nigeria into the poverty capital of the world is unacceptable. The Synod therefore calls on both the Federal and State Governments including the local governments to put schemes in place to empower Nigerians.

“The Synod views with concern the deplorable conditions and state of our basic infrastructure such as our highways, electricity, medical institutions and facilities and our educational institutions.

“The Synod therefore calls on the Federal and State Governments to hasten the completion of all on-going road projects and ensure the rehabilitation of existing roads. The need for steady supply of power should also be looked into by the regulatory bodies to ensure that the private power distribution companies abide with the regulations to guide their operations and relationship with consumers.

“While appreciating the Federal Government for the efforts made so far in the resuscitation of the Ajaokuta Steel Company and Itakpe Iron Ore, the Synod calls on the Federal Government to expedite action for the immediate take off of these two giants of our economic and technological base.

“The Synod calls on the Federal Government to reinforce the strategy of the Federal security and also, devolve powers to the state for establishment of supportive security outfits at the local level to compliment the efforts of the Federal security agencies to stem this tide of insecurity.

“The Synod views with grave concern the unending and systematic persecution of Christians in the northern part of the nation and calls on the Federal Government to halt this evil”, the communique added.