Who is Arc. Bernard Yisa?

Architect Bernard Aernyi Yisa recently declared his intention to run for the office of the Governor of Benue state on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Popularly called “Architect” and rightly so, Yisa is a true “son of the soil” from the Tiv tribe, and to whom Benue state is dear.

He cradles the dream of transforming Benue state, using innovative techniques and the skills he garnered over the years as a nationally renowmed design and construction expert.

Created in 1976, Benue state is composed of different ethnic groups, including Tiv, Idoma, Igede, Igala, Etulo, Bassa-nge and Jukuns. The state has a rich agrarian and solid minerals economy − an indication of its viability and explorable potential to better the lives of its people.

As most Nigerian states were during the 1983 military coup, Benue state’s growth was largely stifled by military administration, leaving the bulk of work involved in solving the problems besetting the state in the hands of its leaders in the now-democratic regime.

Benue has experienced different administrations, some of which tried to cushion the effects of the coup by creating structures of economic transformation and explored its agrarian potential to advance the prosperity of the state.

However, there are still socio-economic development gaps that require urgent attention. Closing these gaps and stimulating the prosperity of Benue state are at the heart of Bernard Yisa’s decision to run for governor of the state.

An expert who detects, alters and rebuilds according to specifications, transforming structures into better and sustainable forms, Architect Yisa is adequately equipped with the expertise, experience, strategic and key networks to take on the responsibility of redesigning and reconstructing Benue into a model modern state in Nigeria.

A philanthropist, educationist and seasoned businessman, Arc. Yisa’s educational journey began at St. John’s Primary School, Gboko, where he received elementary education with a First School Leaving Certificate.

 He furthered his education at the Government Secondary School, Jos, Plateau state, between 1973 and 1978; it was here his brilliance and academic excellence were first noticed and rewarded with numerous prizes and awards, before he obtained the West African School Certificate with distinction (First Division).

Determined to learn and gain academic qualifications required to build a professional career in the construction and energy industries, he proceeded to the University of Jos where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in architecture in 1986, and thereafter, an MSc in architecture.

 As an outstanding student, Bernard Yisa was retained as a graduate assistant in the University of Jos in the Department of Architecture and received the vice-chancellor’s recommendations for excellent supervision of an Award-Winning International Project (2nd Prize) on Energy Conscious Architecture, organised by Commonwealth Schools of Architecture 2nd Inter-School Design competition in 1991.

After spending some time in the academic space, teaching and mentoring students fortunate to be under his tutelage, Yisa was ready to expand his tentacles by exploring his creativity in model architecture, while creating job opportunities for Nigerians, he therefore ventured into private practice.

In 1991, Yisa founded E.F. Projects Limited, an architectural firm that specialises in renewable energy projects, giving employment to both trainees and graduate trainers. Yisa has since worked on large-scale national infrastructural projects including several hi-tech projects across Nigerian universities under evolving Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) projects and served on the task force for the completion of the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) permanent site in 1997.

Yisa’s commitment to community service and philanthropy does not end at providing many Nigerian citizens job security, he also demonstrated his passion for quality education by establishing YISA ABUL College, Ashimin, a commercial secondary school for Benue people.

Yisa’s knowledge and skills transcend the construction industry; he has participated in several political programmes to witness evolving trends in policymaking and implementation which revealed to him certain inadequacies that require strategic reforms to catch up with modernity.

Most of these reforms require core professionalism and technical competences to accomplish hence his decision to run for a position where he can put his experiences into an impacting use in Benue state. 

Yisa plans to realise his dream of an economically resilient modern Benue by selecting a team of development experts who will represent critical organs of the state government.

Together with this team, Yisa aims to find sustainable solutions to security challenges in the state, digitise governance and education; revive lost capital investments; invest in programmes and workshops for young indigent entrepreneurs, create an environment that attracts both local and international investors; recruit housing, energy and transport professionals who will revolutionise housing and transportation in Benue, for effectiveness and ease of living and commuting within and out of the state.

Upgrading existing health infrastructure to extend into hard-to-reach rural areas is also on the Yisa agenda for Benue. On education, the aim is to increase quality and quantity to reduce unemployment and dropout rates in the state. Youth development will be anchored on improved infrastructure as well as restructuring the sports sector to engage the youth in legitimate activities and shun social vices in Benue state.

As the campaign for the next governor of Benue heats up, Arc. Yisa recognises the power of social media in reaching key sections of the electorate and will personally handle his Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts to engage personally with his audience.

Josep writes from Otukpo, Benue state via [email protected]