We’re concerned about inhumane situation in Gaza – WHO 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has expressed worry over the health and humanitarian situation in Gaza which continues to deteriorate.  
The director general of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stated this at a press briefing Thursday.

He said over the past three days WHO and partners have carried out several emergency missions to Nasser Medical Complex in Southern Gaza.  
He added that 111 sick and injured patients and at least 15 doctors and nurses remained in the hospital.
“With the intensive care unit no longer working, WHO has helped move patients many of whom cannot even walk,”  he said.

Ghebreyesus added that on a broader level, Gaza has become a death zone and much of the territory has been destroyed while  more than 29,000 people are dead and many more are missing.
“Severe malnutrition has shot up since the war started.

It shot up from 1% to more than 15% in some areas. This figure will rise as the war goes on and supplies are interrupted,” he said.

WHO noted that with apprehension, the World Food Programme cannot get into northern Gaza with supplies.
