We’ll no more tolerate violent protest in C’River – Police

The Commissioner of Police, Cross River state, Abdulkadir Jimoh, has warned that the command would no more tolerate any form of violent protest in the state.

The warning was contained in a press release signed by the command’s Public Relation Officer, DSP Irene Ugbo, and made available to Blueprint in Calabar. Monday.

Jimoh said, “Some unscrupulous individuals or group of persons are planning to embark on another similar destructive and fierce ENDSARS protest that left unsuspecting and law abiding citizens into a repeated wanton destructions in the state.

“The command has actionable intelligence that certain individuals, or groups have concluded plans to entice innocent citizens, especially youths, into their planned protest at strategic locations in the state.

“It is on the above that the Cross River State Police Command therefore caution those who might want to hide under ENDSARS protest to spark another catastrophic impact with intent to cause chaos in the state, to refrain as the Police and other security agencies will not fold their hands while individuals or groups mastermind another violence.

“In the same vein, the command equally warns parents and guardians to caution and discourage their Children/Wards from being used for any act, gathering or protest capable of causing mayhem in the state.

“At this juncture, the command wishes to state crystal clear that any unlawful assembly, procession or protest will be ethically subdued in line with the provisions of the extant laws.

“Furthermore, the Police command enjoined residents to go about their lawful businesses as any attempt to sabotage, truncate or cause breach of peace in the state to have a rethink and change of attitude towards the betterment of the all.”