WED: HOMEF calls for end to plastic wastes 

Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF), an ecology-focused nongovernmental organization Monday  called for  drastic reduction in the use of plastics to save planet earth from suffocation.

The organisation made the call in a statement by its Media and Communications Lead, Kome Odhomor.  He noted  that World Earth Day reminds Nigerians that the earth is ours to protect and preserve but that over time, humans have abandoned their roles in protecting the planet because of selfishness and drive for profit. 

HOMEF noted that research has shown that 380 million tones of plastic are now produced every year, while only nine percent of plastic ever produced has been recycled. Campaigns around the world calling for a 60% reduction in plastic by 2040 are commendable and worthy of support.

“The theme this year ‘Planet Vs Plastic’ urges us to build a liveable future for humans, other beings, and natural systems.

“We stand united in our fight against non-biodegradable waste pollution. Our addiction to single-use plastics suffocates the planet. Plastics can take hundreds of years to decompose, clog our water bodies, and cause harmful impacts as a result of their chemical composition. Sadly, the world is literally a plastic civilisation due to a vested interest in hydrocarbons and ease of application.”

The statement said HOMEF executive director, Dr Nnimmo Bassey, while advocating for urgent action to ban the production and usage of single-use plastics ,urged everyone to be involved in efforts to kick out plastics.

“Now is a critical time to choose between planet and plastic. Good sense tells us to choose the planet, our Mother Earth that sustains all lives. Poor sense driven by profit urges humans to choose plastics because of the ease they bring, despite the harmful impacts on our health, climate, and overall health of the planet,” Bassey said.