UNGA: Nigeria to present report of survey on right of terrorism suspects to fair trial

Nigeria as Co- Chair with Italy of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) is set to present report of a survey on the right of suspects of terrorism to a fair trial with adequate legal representation at the sideline of the 78th Session United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in the United States of America.

Blueprint reports that the National Coordinator, National Counter Terrorism Centre, Office of the National Security Adviser, Rear Admiral Yaminu Musa us representing Nigeria at the GCTF meeting on the sideline of the UNGA .
A statement by Director Strategic Communications NCTC, ONSA Ozoya Imohimi on Monday disclosed that the survey was launched on 27 April 2023.
The statement read: “Nigeria as Co- Chair with Italy of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) Criminal Justice and Rule of Law Working Group (CJ-RoL WG), in collaboration with the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law’s (IIJ) and the EU funded Counter-Terrorism Platform for Human Rights Engagement (CT PHARE) facility on 27 April 2023 launched a survey on the application of of the non-binding recommended good practices set out in the GCTF’s Hague Memorandum Good Practice 5 on supporting the right of the accused to a fair trial with adequate legal representation and Rabat Memorandum Good Practice 7 on providing for lawful exercise of pre-trial detention of terrorist suspects.

“Through this survey of GCTF members States, as well as UN Member States, the study evaluated the extent to which these Good Practices are being implemented globally and established areas for improvement.

“The Co-Chairs are slated to present the report of the survey on the 20th of September, 2023, during a side event organised in the margins of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.”