Trader shoots self to death in Minna

A Minna-based electronics trader, Nwakwa Martins, has shot himself dead at his residence near a popular hotel in Tunga area of the city, leaving behind a pregnant wife.
Martins, it was learnt, shot himself in the stomach at about 5.30 am, but was discovered at about 7.30am when he was rushed to hospital where he was confirmed dead.

Our reporter gathered that the late business man owned a popular electronic shop along Old Airport Road, Minna
He was said to have left his pregnant wife in a room and went to another part of the compound to commit the suicide why the wife was asleep.

It was gathered that the wife was not aware of her husband’s whereabouts when she woke up around 7am and immediately raised alarm, and neighbors told her that they had heard a gunshot in the their compound in the morning.

The neighbours and the wife, it was further learnt, went to the part of the house and discovered Martins in his a pool of blood and rushed him to Minna General Hospital where he gave up the ghost.
It was learnt that a team of police went to the residence of the deceased and recovered a pump action rifle used at close range.

The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) of the Niger state police command, (ASP) Richard Oguche, confirmed the incident, adding that the trader did not leave a suicide note.