Towards a new Nigeria

Nigerians have lost their appetite for neatness in appearance and their environment.
Our professionals have lost their values in appearance and work ethics.
Individuals are carefree in what they do.
In those days when the country had not developed, it was not so.
Professionals like doctors, bankers, lawyers, journalists, teachers and so on have lost consciousness in appearance and work ethics.
Those who dress smartly are hard to find.
Just a few of them are on the right track.
Can we say it is the economic situation that has caused this? I don’t think so! We have individuals who earn meagre income, yet they dress decently, and their meagre income does not affect their work ethic.
Apart from our professionals, let us look at our environment.
The ambience of our society is not encouraging at all because of the negligence of Nigerians towards their environment.
People are very dirty and unhygienic.
The idea of people dropping their garbage at the middle of the road is bad because it takes a long period before the government agency disposes of them.
By this time, the dirt would have spread all over the surrounding.
This is not hygienic at all, and is very dangerous to our health, especially of our children.
Government should put a stop to this practice.
Let individuals have their garbage drums in their respective places to keep their surroundings decent.
Individuals should endeavour to take the cleaning of their respective environment serious because of the health implications involved.
They say, “cleanliness is next to godliness.” So, why are Nigerians taking cleanliness with levity? This is not to discourage Nigerians, but to bring a change to our blessed country.
God is clean, we all need to be likewise.
God bless Nigeria.
Emmanuel Adenike, New Ife Road, Ibadan