The new CAC under Ishaq Magaji

The new Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), under the leadership of the new registrar, Ishaq Hussaini Magaji (SAN), who happens to be from my state of Bauchl, has achieved remarkable progress in less than a year. Interestingly, his predecessor is also from Bauchi state, indicating a pattern of assigning significant roles to our people. I had the pleasure of exchanging pleasantries with him at Annur Mosque, where I learned that he is a regular member.

Even before his current position, his strong work ethics and commitment to introducing reforms to strengthen the organisation’s mandate were evident. The CAC, established by the Companies and Allied Matters Act (1990), plays a vital role in regulating the formation and management of companies in Nigeria.

Barrister Ishaq’s proactive approach and dedication to his role as the chief custodian of the organization are commendable. He has been tirelessly working on various assignments, collaborating with heads of government establishments to enhance the agency’s effectiveness.

Additionally, he has facilitated appointments for some individuals from Bauchi state, which is a commendable effort. I hope that during his tenure, he will leave a lasting legacy by further improving the organisation.

It’s worth noting that the achievements of Ishaq Magaji and other appointees of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, will contribute to the overall success of the All Progressives Congress (APC) led Renewed Hope administration.

However, it’s crucial for them to remember their roles as representatives of the people and to prioritise the welfare of their communities. For instance, as a qualified lawyer and Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), Ishaq could consider initiatives such as scholarships to empower the younger generation in Bauchi state and beyond.

I commend Ishaq not only for his remarkable achievements at the CAC but also for his transformative reforms, which have elevated the organisation’s status. His dedication and contributions are widely recognised across the country. As he continues his journey, I encourage him to maintain his positive momentum and prioritise the welfare of his staff and subordinates. May his tenure be successful, and may he lead with vigilance, foresight, and compassion.

Tajuddeen Ahmad Tijjani,
Galadima Mahmoud Street, Kasuwar Kaji Azare, Bauchi state