Stakeholders express mixed reactions over 25% housing mortgage

Some Retirement Savings Account (RSA) holders in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), have decried the 25 percent housing mortgage, saying it won’t be enough to pay for a house, given the current economic realities.

The concerned stakeholders spoke in separate interviews in Abuja on Sunday, arguing that the 25 percent was low and the requirement needed was too much.

A civil servant, Mrs. Angela Ojo, said: “I have about N3 million naira as my total pension savings, and 25 percent of that will be N750,000, which is low because buying a property in Abuja is from N15 million. I am appealing that it should be raised to 50 percent to encourage RSA holders,” Ojo said.

Another civil servant, Mr. Olisa Uzor said a lot of them in his office will need professional explanation on the 25 percent mortgage

However, Amina Aminu commended the National Pension Commission (PenCom) for setting the 25 percent housing mortgage but wants it to be increased so that RSA holders with small savings can.

“This policy as it is, will only be enjoyed by the high earners with fat pension accounts,” she said.

A pension expert, Mrs May Uzor, said the policy would address the housing deficit in the country.

Uzor commended PenCom for allowing policyholders to use a fraction of their savings to acquire a home through a mortgage arrangement.

“With the new mortgage policy of PenCom, RSA holders can acquire their own homes with 25 percent of their pension savings, and it will ensure that people acquire properties even before retirement,”

Uzo said one of the outstanding provisions of the policy was that couples could apply together provided that they were individually eligible.

She said that PenCom had already released N3.1 billion to 187 RSA holders as 25 percent of their contributions for a mortgage.