Sokoto government set up inquiry commission to witch-hunt opposition -PDP chieftain

A chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Sokoto state, Alhaji Yusuf Suleiman, has advised members of the commission of inquiry constituted by the Sokoto state government to uphold their hard earned integrity and not allow any political vendetta. 

Yusuf Suleiman who was the former Minister of Transport stated this while fielding questions from newsmen in Sokoto after honouring the commission’s invitation to appear before it as a witness on the memo 007. 

The former minister maintained that the government constituted the commission of inquiry with intent to malign and witch-hunt leaders of the immediate past government because, according to him, the memo in which he was invited did not have substance and was raised on mere hearsay and rumours

He said that he was surprised to receive the commission’s summons despite the fact that he had never served the state government on any capacity since the advent of the current democratic dispensation.

Yusuf Suleiman said the was invited on the allegation that he was allocated with a Paradox SUV Jeep while serving as Director General for Atiku Abubakar /  Sa’idu Ubandoma campaign council during the 2023 general elections which was total false

He denied ever receiving the vehicle and challenged anybody who had contrary information regarding the vehicle to come forward with it.

He said he bought the Paradox SUV Jeep in question with his own money in 2014 when he was aspiring to contest for governorship seat in 2015 and he had been using the vehicle since then.

“It’s the same vehicle I used in 2019 to campaign for Ahmed Aliyu when I was appointed as Director General campaign council for Ahmed Aliyu and Mohammed Buhari during the 2019 general elections.

“Right now, the Jeep is outside this premises, the current governor, Ahmed Aliyu was very familiar with SUV Jeep in question, in fact he entered into this jeep when we were campaigning for him in 2019 moving from one place to another canvassing votes”, the former minister told the commission.

The visibly irked Yusuf noted that the government was on a political vendetta mission.

Yusuf said that he felt very sad when he received the summons because he never thought the government who has all the resources under its ì would stoop so low to work on hearsay and rumours.

He explained that he served the country at highest level especially at federal executive council and he has never been found wanting in any way.