SERAP to Buhari: Probe missing 149m barrels of crude now 

The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has asked President Muhammadu Buhari to commence an investigation into the alleged missing 149 million barrels of crude oil.

The organisation asked the outgoing president to set up a presidential panel of enquiry to investigate the missing crude oil as contained in the 2019 audited reports by the Auditor General of the Federation and Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI).

SERAP said it will consider suing Buhari if he fails to heed the counsel to launch the probe within seven days.

SERAP made the call in a letter dated 22 April and signed by Kolawole Oluwadare, its deputy director.

The anti-corruption group disclosed that it relied on the 2019 audited report by the Auditor General of the Federation (AGF), which states that 107,239,436.00 barrels of crude oil were lifted as domestic crude without any document or tracing, and also the 42.25 million barrels of crude oil that NEITI declared as missing in 2019.

SERAP stated that Buhari, whose administration will end on 29 May, must use the opportunity to reaffirm his commitment to fighting corruption, and also set the tone for the incoming administration.

The organization added that Buhari, who is also the minister of Petroleum Resources, must ensure Nigeria gets justice.

“As the president and substantive Minister of Petroleum Resources, you and your government should prioritise getting to the bottom of these allegations and use the remainder of your term of office to ensure justice and accountability for these serious crimes against the Nigerian people.” (Premium Times)