Sani Musa most qualified for 10th Assembly DSP – Group

The All Progressive Congress (APC) Integrity Group has described the Senator representing Niger East senatorial district, Senator Mohammed Sani Musa, as the most qualified to be elected Deputy President of the 10th Senate.

The group stated this in a statement issued in Abuja on Wednesday and commended Senator Musa for canvassing for the position of the President of the Senate for the South.

Senator Musa recently called on the Northern Senators aspiring for the position of President of the Senate to reliquish the desire for Southern Senators. According to him, the Senator President should be a Christian and someone from the South.

The Coordinator of APC Integrity Group Malam Dawu Mohammed and Secretary, Comrade Chisom Nwakanma said both the leadership of the APC and 10th Assembly Senators should consider the North Central Senator for the effectiveness and good legislative framework of the Senate.

Senator Mohammed Sani Musa (313: Niger East) Remains Most Eminently Qualified For Deputy Senate President (DSP)

In their statement, they said, “We congratulate those who emerged victorious in the contest, as we urge fellow citizens, former contestants and their supporters, to join hands with the victors to build a new Nigeria of hope-met, prosperity ensured, security guaranteed and united for the years ahead.

“We congratulate the federal and state lawmakers elected by their people to and contribute to National development.

“To those who were newly elected, we urge you to quickly learn the ropes of lawmaking as the nation is in haste to meet global indices for development, industrialization, economic growth and enviable citizens welfare.

“To the returning Senators and members of the House of Representatives, we once again congratulate you, as we remind you to remain faithful to the hopes and confidence that your constituencies have reposed on you.

“For you, it’s not new terrain. You’ve been here. So, wear your legislative shoes and hit the ground running for a development centred Tenth National Assembly. There’s no time to waste!

“For our party, the APC, we call on the leadership to rise to the occasion, and to remember that it is not enough to win the presidency, and to have a majority of lawmakers in the Senate and House of Representatives.

“The task ahead is enormous as we must prove to Nigerians, and the entire continent, and the rest of the world that we are a party capable of taking care of our people through robust legislations, and execution of public-interest policies.

“We must also prove to everyone- ourselves, countrymen and women who like us sought Nigerians’ confidence to lead them, that we are with them every inch of the way.

“To do this, it is time to set the proper structure and machineries in motion. First, we must put the right leadership at the National Assembly.

“This is so, not just to give the necessary impetus to the realization of the campaign promises we made, but to ensure stability, focus, progress and a robust legislative machinery to oil the wheel of the country’s social, economic, political, security, and other vital sectors, in the years ahead.

“Given this, and as our Great Party considers the leadership composition of the Upper and Green Chamber of the 10th National Assembly, we are compelled to again, like before, lend our voice to the Wisdom of our party’s NWC and NEC.

“We think it imperative to call the attention of the party to the qualities of loyalty to the APC, competence, versatility, leadership prowess and commitment of Senator Sani Mohammed Musa (313 Niger East) to good governance, national unity and the welfare of Nigerians.”