Rivers: Fubara promises to complete Etche – lgbodo road 

Rivers state governor, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, Tuesday, inspected the remaining section of the Etche-Igbodo road in Etche local government area with a promise to urgently commence work to complete the road.

Governor Fubara had responded to complaints from residents in Umuohie-Igbodo communities, the point where the initial construction by the immediate past administration terminated.

Sir Fubara visited and took a drive on the entire stretch of the bad section to the Okpala community of Imo state to assess the state of the bad section and the level of work that would be required.

He noted that the immediate past administration did a great job when it reconstructed the Etche-Igbodo road but the deplorable section was not completed then and it had become a problem for the residents and commuters.  

“It’s really bad and you can see that. I wonder how these people managed during the rainy season because if it is as bad as this in dry season, then it must be terrible during the rainy season. 

“As a government, we will see what we can do immediately to complete this section so that there will be very easy traffic along this route,” he said.