2024 Hajj: Arabi promises improved services, signs pacts with agents 

Chairman of the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) Malam Jalal Ahmad Arabi, Wednesday, sought for consolidation of the relationship established with the Islamic Development Bank.

The chairman expressed gratitude to the Vice President Operations, Dr Mansur Mukhtar for the technical assistance received by NAHCON in 2019 that facilitated an understudy and establishment of the Hajj Savings Scheme and the Hajj Institute of Nigeria.

He also requested for engagement of Nigeria’s abundant skilled manpower such as veterinary doctors, and manual labourers to offer services during Hajj, especially under Hadaya, urging the IsDB to open a market for Nigeria to export sacrificial animals and others.

In an effort to further achieve a more successful exercise, the chairman also visited other pilgrims’ Muttawif establishments to understudy the services available in their packages.

The Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah had created windows for countries to select Pilgrims’ Establishment Mutawwif Companies of their choice as a way of encouraging competition favorable to pilgrims. He interacted with the Mashariq Mutawwif establishment in this regard.

Meanwhile, the chairman, who had earlier consulted with Dr Abdulrahman Bejawi, Deputy Minister of Hajj in charge of Umrah and Ziyara in Madina, where he sought commitment on issues concerning welfare of Nigerian pilgrims and safety of their property.

Arabi equally accepted the Makkah Route project offered by the Deputy Minister, making Nigeria one among the seven countries offered the services, where over 30 countries have shown interest.

Arabi signed agreements with General Car syndicate, the United Agents Office as well as the Adillah Establishment of Madinah.