PEPT: APGA youth leader tasks Nigerians on quality leadership 


The National Youth Leader of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Comrade Eze Onyebuchi Chukwu, has advised Nigerian youths not to despair in the quest to reposition the country, despite the failure of political leaders. 

In his open letter to the youths, which was obtained by Blueprint  correspondent on Saturday, Chukwu, who is also the Spokesman, National Youth Leaders Forum of Political Parties in Nigeria (NYLFPPN), said youth must not give up on the fight to return the leadership of the country to the young people who were the heroes of the fight for independence and the first to take the leadership of the country from our colonial masters. 

He said: “Some of us have chosen to be on the side of happiness in hope, not because we are at peace with the way things are going in our country, but because anger won’t solve the problem. You see, the recovery of our country is a journey we started in 2020 with the audacious movement of #EndSARS. It continued in 2023 with the firm stand of the majority of the youths with their choice against all odds. 

“For the first time, the young people rejected bribery, thuggery, and threats to stand for what they want for their country against religion, region, and tribe. We have shown that we can be united and must not destroy this unity already achieved on the altar of disappointment and anger. 

“Change is not a day job. We have started and must not stop because we are disappointed. Obi is not the end of this struggle. He’s rather an eye opener, a stimulator, or a moral booster to the youths. He’s not the subject matter. The youths are. He’s a role model and a good example for the youths and not the end. He didn’t just fight for us, we fought through him. 

“If we didn’t succeed at the end, we mustn’t give up on the fight to return the leadership of our country to the young people who were the heroes of the fight for independence and the first to take the leadership of the country from our colonial masters. When you fail, you learn, change the modus, and try again. This is what we should be talking about in a country where the old people occupy every political position, including the youth leader’s position. What’s next? 

“There is a youth wave already in place in every nook and cranny of the country as a result of the fight we put up in the past 2023 general elections. For the first time, we are having youth organisations like: The Young Legislators Forum, the National Youth Leaders Forum of Political Parties in Nigeria, and many other youth political organisations coming together to champion the cause of the young people. 

“Youths are coming together irrespective of their party, religious or tribal affiliations. We have created youth consciousness in every clime in the country. It’s no longer business as usual. Leaders no longer take the youths for granted. They now consider the youth factor in everything they do, think or plan including campaigns and win in elections. 

“Political parties have also become youth conscious in everything they do, including their leadership and candidates during elections. For instance, my own political party, All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, has for the first time become the first major national political party to hand over the leadership of the party to a youth of less than 40years. 

“Our party, APGA, has also determined to consider the youths in choosing who flies the flag of the party in every election. This is positioning for the youth takeover. Mind you, I am not here to market my party, I am here to advise the youths and not that I will hesitate to, where and when need be. What should you do as a youth? 

“Dear youth, it’s time to penetrate the political structure of this country. Its time to get involved in real politics. It’s time to move from being supporters in the support groups to being real politicians in the political parties. It is time to take the bull by the horn. It’s time to take up the leadership and membership of political parties and join in taking decisions that will see to the emergence of young and vibrant candidates first before elections. It’s time to look for youth friendly political parties and join. 

“You can start with APGA, (its now a youth party). It’s not time to attack our elders still in leadership, but it is time to show capacity, competence, and trust (even the old leaders now talk about handing over power to the younger generation). It’s time to make them know the importance of handing over leadership to young people. It’s not time to give up, but it’s time to fight on. We need to improve on the result already recorded. Dear Nigerian youth, don’t t be demoralised, be energised.”