PENGASSAN demands salary benchmark for oil workers

The Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN) has called for a salary benchmark for oil and gas workers in the country.

Speaking at the second PENGASSAN Energy and Labour Summit, the national president, Comrade Festus Osifo, said the call became imperative because the policy only benefited the government and oil/gas companies in Nigeria.

Comrade Osifo further stated the need for a conscious innovating solution to restore financial losses to workers by preventing undue gains to oil companies.

He said PENGASSAN is aligning with the instrument of trade of the oil and gas commodity, citing a model practiced in Angola where legislation pegs workers’ salaries in dollars and pay them the legal tender equivalent.

’’Recent policy direction of government has placed untold hardship on Nigerians. Chief of which is the PMS subsidy removal and the floating of naira –dollar exchange rate. The overarching impact of this on Nigerians can only be imagined rather than experienced.

”Part of the decisions of floatation has only benefited the government and oil and gas companies in Nigeria.

“This has necessitated a call for a salary benchmark for oil and gas workers, aligning with instrument of trade of the oil and gas commodity. The model practice in Angola where legislation pegs workers’ salaries in dollars and pay them the legal tender equivalent, is a testament to the possibilities of safeguarding the interests of workers amidst currency fluctuations. The floating of naira in the official market has exacerbated the challenges faced by our members. We must explore innovation solutions to forestall financial losses to workers and prevent undue gains to companies, ensuring a fair and equitable environment for all. PENGASSAN will do all it can to push for this just and equitable distribution across its branches.”

On the theme of this yeah Summit “Petroleum Downstream Deregulation and Gas Utilization for a Sustainable Energy Future in Nigeria,” Comrade Osifo who is the President of Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) said the theme was carefully chosen due to the multifaceted challenges and opportunities inherent in the energy sector.