Partnership for a brighter tomorrow: MIKTA reaches out to Nigeria

The world today is interdependent yet polarised, facing conflicts and geopolitical tensions that threaten our shared goal of a sustainable future.

 Eleven years ago, Mexico, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Türkiye, and Australia came together to birth MIKTA, an innovative, cross-regional platform,  uniting five middle powers committed to democracy, international law, open economies, and multilateralism, to help steer the world in a positive direction.

In establishing MIKTA in 2013, we were conscious the world was changing rapidly. Global issues in finance and economics, security, the environment, and sustainable development, have   challenged efforts to maintain  international stability and prosperity.  

 Moreover, changes to global power   dispersal, the ascendance of regionalism, and growth of non-state  actors prompted a need to review global governance structures. We were  convinced the world needed new,  innovative partnerships to provide constructive solutions to challenges.

Although, we come from diverse cultures and regions, MIKTA countries share core values. We are strategically located and  linked regional leaders. We are democracies that benefit from open  economies with robust growth rates  and a significant level of economic power.  We are also like-minded on many global challenges and are active contributors to major international fora. We have the will and capability to contribute to  protecting public good and  strengthening global governance. 

Working together, we believe, we can play a constructive role in the international agenda.

MIKTA countries have worked seamlessly across continents to show the world that with shared commitment, consensus and cooperation, humanity can work together to address challenges and deliver shared prosperity. As such, we are steering our collective efforts towards reinforcing global governance, promoting multilateralism, and championing inclusive, sustainable development, to ensure the international system, led by the United Nations, works equitably for all.

MIKTA partners recognise the key role Nigeria plays within its own region, including as the current chair of the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS.

 We also recognise Nigeria’s own commitments to democracy, pursuing constructive responses to global issues and interest in an effective, rules-based order. These all make Nigeria a natural partner and friend for MIKTA countries.

A key focus of all MIKTA partners for  the coming year is the empowerment of women, recognising their key role in all areas of global discourse, from development and peace building to climate action. This aligns closely with   Nigeria’s efforts to enhance the  involvement of women in all spheres.   

We will work with Nigeria to address systemic barriers that hinder women’s full participation in the economy and society more broadly. This is exemplified by the pioneering feminist foreign policy of Mexico, which serves as the rotational chair of the MIKTA group, during 2024.

 We are also working towards deeper cooperation on accelerating the realization of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Given Nigeria’s commitment to these goals, we look forward to sharing  strategies and innovations that drive   progress, particularly in combating  poverty and fostering sustainable development.

We know that by working together, we can achieve remarkable success and help those in need.

MIKTA stands as a testament to what can be achieved when diverse nations with shared values come together. Our  collective actions this year will reflect  our commitment to global cooperation, the well-being of our peoples and the planet.

This is MIKTA, five nations firmly committed to the advancement of global stability and prosperity. In the year ahead, we anticipate further collaboration with Nigeria, be it through roundtable discussions with a particular focus on fostering international cooperation for development or, activities to share our cultural heritage, such as film screenings, to build our mutual understanding. This will contribute to the realization of a more secure and prosperous Nigeria and global community, as well as a tighten friendship amongst  our countries into the future.

From the Ambassadors of Mexico, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Türkiye and the High Commissioner of Australia to the Federal Republic of Nigeria.