Osun election: INEC, APC created illegal wards –PDP

The National Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Kola Ologbondiyan, yesterday alleged that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in connivance with the All Progressives Congress (APC) had created illegal polling units and delineating illegal ward for today’s governorship election in Osun state.
Ologbondiyan, who raised the alarm, while briefing journalist at his office in Abuja, alerted Nigerians that “the PDP have been able to burst one of those fictitious electoral wards created for APC to rig election.
According to him, “Ila Local Government has 11 electoral wards, but ahead of tomorrow’s election, INEC has created an imaginary 12th ward for Ila and allocated over 4,000 votes for that ward, and that ward is called Iperin.
The PDP’s spokesperson said: “We discovered that the figures allocated to the two Iperins wards are different, one has over 4,000 votes, the other has over 2,000 votes.
In all, where they would have had 2,000 votes, they want to generate 6,000 votes.
“What they have done is to create two words in Iperin, instead of one; allocated votes for both wards including the original ward and the fictitious ward, he said.
He also warned that, ” as a party we will not accept rigging and as we promised, we will dismantle every rigging plots of APC ahead of the election.
It is strange that an electoral body would collide and collude with a political party with the intention of generating votes that will make them win an election.
“The PDP is making an outright demand that INEC withdraw this fictitious electoral ward from its database, he added.
The PDP National Publicity Secretary, noted that, “We have also directed our members to continue to monitor the devious plans of APC and INEC during Osun election.
We know the members of APC who hailed from Ila, and we also know those whom the votes have been carved out for, but we totally reject the sudden and emergency creation of a fictitious ward whether as a mark of honour to those who come from Ila from APC; but the PDP will not accept any result that come from Iperin if INEC insist on llowing votes in the two Iperin wards.