Ondo nurses protest rising COVID-19 cases amongst health workers

Nurses in Ondo state Tuesday staged a peaceful protest at the State Mother & Child Hospital, Akure following the increase in cases of coronavirus among health workers in the state.

They lamented the increasing cases of the pandemic in the state without efforts by the government to carry out contact tracing of infected persons.

Already, about10 nurses and five doctors with other health workers have contracted the deadly virus in the state in the last one week.

State chairman of the National Association of Nigerian Nurses and Midwives (NANNM), Comrade Kehinde Nomiye, said the protest was sparked by failure of the state government and the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) to carry out contact-tracing of the infected doctors and nurses at the Mother and Child Hospital.

She said no contact tracing was carried out more than 98 hours after the cases were detected.