Olubadan-designate back in Ibadan, meets kingmakers 

The Olubadan-designate, Oba Owolabi Olakulehin, on Friday made his first public appearance after the demise of the Oba Lekan Balogun.

Oba Olakulehin appeared to the public at his residence in Alalubosa area of Ibadan where he was visited by the Ibadan kingmakers. 

Speaking with journalists after the visit, the Osi Balogun Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Lateef Adebimpe, who led other three of the kingmakers to the residence of the Olubadan- designate, said Oba Olakulehin was hale and hearty.

The Osi Balogun Olubadan said, “It is impossible for the Olubadan-in-Council to nominate Olakulehin unless they are sure that he is in good condition.

“It has been sometime we have seen our Kabiyesi Owolabi Olakulehin in our midst and we have been making arrangements for Olakulehin’s coronation ceremony, who is our new Olubadan of Ibadanland.

“We thank God that he is hale and hearty, and very soon, he will ascend the throne of his forefathers, we will relate what we see here to our colleagues.”

Other kingmakers at the residence of the Olubadan-designate included the Osi Olubadan, Oba Eddy Oyewole; the Ashipa Olubadan, Abiodun Kola-Daisi and Asipa Balogun Olubadan, Oba Kola Adegbola.