Ogun monarch drums up support for state police 


The Alake of Egbaland, Oba Adedotun Aremu Gbadebo, Thursday declared his support for the proposed creation of state police.He siad local security is needed to nip in the bud insecurity in the country.

Oba Gbadebo stated this while briefing newsmen on the forthcoming 37th Lisabi Day celebration held at his palace in Ake, Abeokuta. 

The monarch noted that, “Nothing is wrong in having state police. Since crimes are committed locally, we need local police to tackle these crimes. We should not expect a Kano man or Police commissioner from Akwa Ibom to know the remote areas of each state where crimes are committed. It will take a man of the soil to easily detect and locate these crime areas.

“Let us embrace whatever good things the government is doing for us and stop insinuating fear of its negativity. I just want to warn the governors not to use it to which hunt opposition because one day they will be out of power and it might come back to haunt them.”

Oba Gbadebo added that the 2024 Lisabi festival celebration would provide avenues at providing solution to the prevailing economic challenges facing the country.

He noted that the theme of the celebration, “Encouraging Youth In Agricultural Business: A Panacea To Solving Unemployment In Nigeria” was carefully chosen to unravel the economic crisis facing the nation.

He added that the essence of this year’s festival was to encourage the youth to embrace agriculture as alternative way to create employment in the country.

Part of the activities for this year’s event include, traditional libation at the Lisabi ancestral shrine, scholarship for selected students in Abeokuta public schools, free eye test and treatment, free medical outreach to the elderly, among others.