Oba of Benin marks new yam festival

The Oba of Benin, Omo N’Oba N’ Edo, Uku Akpolokpolo, Ewuare II, weekend marked the first Ugie Emoro (new yam) festival at his palace in Benin City, ahead of his 7th coronation anniversary in this month.

Ugie Emoro, (new yam) festival is meant to demonstrate love among one another and rekindle the rich Benin heritage “in line with divine order.”

At the Emoro ceremony, the monarch made a proclamation that subsequently, Emoro festivals would be observed with one month’s prayer and fasting, by all Benin sons and daughters at home and the Diaspora, beginning from the 2024 Calendar year.

He said: “Emoro festival is also translated as Ugie Awe (period of fasting), it has long been celebrated in Edo state. Muslims mark their fast in the month of Ramadan, while believers in Christ have their own time to fast and pray.

“From time immemorial in Edo, no people have had their own time to fast and pray to God almighty and pray, we do not want this traditional practice to be forgotten or go extinct. This is why we remain resolute in reenacting all the ancient traditional practices.

“We also pray to God almighty to keep every one of us in good health, make us not to lack wisdom.”

In his prayers to God almighty and his ancestors, Oba Ewuare II, who spoke in Benin language, thereafter ward-off evil and social vices, including bloodshed, kidnappings, banditry, cultism from Edo state and Nigeria in general.