NUT president harps on improved living standard for Nigerians 

President Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) Comrade Audu Titus Amba has assured Nigerians of the commitment of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) to insuring a new improved standard of living for workers, citizens and especially the downtrodden in the society, following the removal of fuel subsidy by the Ahmed Bola Tinubu administration.

Comrade Amba gave the assurance in a grand reception organised for him by the Southern Kaduna Forum of the Nigeria Union of Teachers at the New Choice Hotel Kafanchan over the weekend.

The NUT president, who is also the Vice President Nigeria Labour Congress, added that, there would be positive outcome very soon for all and sundry owing to the hardship the removal of the subsidy has caused.

He commended the Southern Kaduna Forum of the union for honouring him, and gave them hope that the days of suffering and challenges for workers in Kaduna state have become a thing of the past because of the new government of Governor Uba Sani.

The NUT president said the past government of Nasiru Ahmed el-Rufa’i was terrible for workers, especially primary school teachers, saying out of the workers sacked, 22,000 primary school Teachers were affected. 

He noted with satisfaction that the present governor, Alhaji Uba Sani is a credible and dedicated leader who has listening ears for the people, and that the NLC was optimistic that he would deliver the dividends of democracy to the people right to their doorsteps.

In his remarks, chairman of Jema’a local government, Mr Yunana Markus Barde, commended teachers for their role in developing the educational background of the people.

The chairman observed that despite that teachers’ remuneration is meagre, they have never relented in their duty of moulding the character of the young ones.