NUJ, Chevron build journalists’ capacity in news reporting

The Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), FCT Council, and Chevron Nigeria Limited have organised a one-day capacity building workshop for journalists in the FCT to support and develop the media industry and practitioners.

General Manager of Policy, Government and Public Affairs, Chevron Nigeria, Mr. Esimaje Brikinn, who addressed particpants assured of the company’s commitment to developing human capital and supporting the media to enhance their professional capacity.

He lauded the role of journalists in generating informative and educational content for the society and highlighted their crucial role as agenda-setters and opinion moulders.

Brikinn, who was represented by Manager Communication, Chevron Nigeria, Victor Anyaegbudike, thanked journalists for their impactful role in reporting on the oil and gas industry, providing effective perspectives on the sector’s complex operations.

“Through initiatives such as the Advanced Writing and Reporting Skills (AWARES) program, CNL has been actively involved in capacity building for media practitioners. In collaboration with the Pan Atlantic University, Lagos, the program has benefited over 120 journalists since its inception in 2014,” he stated.

The company’s boss noted that CNL has also partnered with NUJ to organise similar capacity building programmes in Lagos, Delta, and Abuja, respectively; even as he assured that the number of beneficiary would continue to increase.

“Aside from supporting Nigerian content development by providing employment opportunities to Nigerians and offering contract opportunities in all their projects, CNL also supports the sustainable development of the communities in which they operate.

“Through the Global Memorandum of Understanding (GMoU), a community-led participatory partnership model, CNL has contributed billions of naira to the Regional Development Committees (RDCs) that represent the communities in its area of operations to execute hundreds of projects in the communities through a governance model that ensures transparency and accountability,” he added.

Also speaking, Chairman, NUJ FCT Council, Comrade Osaretin Osadebamwen, commended CNL for partnering with the Union, stating, “This training has been long in coming. It is in continued fulfilment of our desire to explore all opportunities for capacity training programmes to our members.

“.. It underscores our desire to continue to improve and sharpen our skills under the fresh start mandate designed to equip us further in our daily tasks – understanding the influence of the new media in our duty to society.”

Osadebamwen described the training as an important opportunity for journalists to enhance their skills and navigate the challenges posed by the evolving media landscape.

The training featured paper presentations on a range of topics including: Harnessing the Benefits of Social Media and Internet Influenve on Media Development by Mr Judd Okafor: Media In Developing Countries: Nigeria As Case Study by Professor Abiodun Adeniyi; as well as 

Understanding Cyber Laws and Safety of Journalists in Nigeria by Adeyemo Adesomoji, Deputy Managing Editor, Premium Times.